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- # Attributes and dot patterns for the printable ASCII characters
- space \t 0 tab # 9
- space \x000A 0
- space \x000D 0
- space \s 0 blank # 32
- punctuation ! 5 # 33
- punctuation " 4 # 34
- sign # 3456 # 35
- sign $ 46 # 36
- sign % 123456 % 37
- sign & 12346 # 38
- punctuation ' 6 # 39 apostrophe
- punctuation ( 236 # 40
- punctuation ) 356 # 41
- sign * 35 # 42 asterisk
- math + 235 # 43
- punctuation , 2 # 44 comma
- punctuation - 36 # 45 hyphen minus
- punctuation . 3 # 46
- math / 256 # 47
- digit 0 346 # 48
- digit 1 16
- digit 2 126
- digit 3 146
- digit 4 1456
- digit 5 156
- digit 6 1246
- digit 7 12456
- digit 8 1256 # 56
- digit 9 246 # 57
- punctuation : 25 # 58
- punctuation ; 23 # 59
- math < 56 # 60
- math = 2356 # 61
- math > 45 # 62
- punctuation ? 26 # 63
- sign @ 345 # 64
- uplow Aa 1 # 65 / 97
- uplow Bb 12 # 66 / 98
- uplow Cc 14
- uplow Dd 145
- uplow Ee 15
- uplow Ff 124
- uplow Gg 1245
- uplow Hh 125
- uplow Ii 24
- uplow Jj 245
- uplow Kk 13
- uplow Ll 123
- uplow Mm 134
- uplow Nn 1345
- uplow Oo 135
- uplow Pp 1234
- uplow Qq 12345
- uplow Rr 1235
- uplow Ss 234
- uplow Tt 2345
- uplow Uu 136
- uplow Vv 1236
- uplow Ww 2456
- uplow Xx 1346
- uplow Yy 13456
- uplow Zz 1356 # 90 / 122
- punctuation [ 123567 # 91
- sign \\ 347 # 92 backslash
- punctuation ] 234567 # 93
- sign ^ 23467 # 94 circumflex accent
- sign _ 456 # 95 underscore
- sign ` 3458 # 96 grave accent
- # a - z # 97 - 122
- punctuation { 12356 # 123
- sign | 34 # 124 vertical line
- punctuation } 23456 # 125
- math ~ 2346 # 126
- space \X00A0 0 # no-break space
- sign \x00A2 4-14 # ó cents sign
- sign \x00A3 4-123 # ú pounds sign
- sign \x00A5 4-13456 # Ñ yen sign
- sign \x00A7 356 # º section sign
- sign \x00A9 2356-46-14-2356 # 169 ⌐ copyright sign
- punctuation \x00Ad 36 # 173 soft hyphen
- sign \x00B0 4-356 # 176 ░ degrees sign
- sign \x00B5 46-134 # 181 ╡ micro sign
- sign \x00B6 346 # ╢ pilcrow sign
- math \x00D7 4-236 # ╫ multiplication sign
- math \x00F7 4-256 # ≈ division sign
- punctuation \x2010 36 # 8208 hyphen
- punctuation \x2013 56-36 # 8211 en dash
- punctuation \x2014 6-36 # 8212 em dash
- punctuation \x2018 6-236 # 8216 smart single left quotation mark
- punctuation \x2019 6-356 # 8217 smart single right quotation mark
- punctuation \x201C 236 # 8220 smart opening double quote
- punctuation \x201D 356 # 8221 smart closing double quote
- punctuation \x201E 236 # 8222 smart double low quotation mark
- punctuation \x201F 356 # 8223 smart double high reverse quotation mark
- punctuation \x2026 3-3-3 # 8230 smart ellipsis